are many people in the whole world that don´t have a plan of life. But in my
case definetly is the oppositive. I have always thougth how my life is going to
be and there´s no doubt that I´m awared of good and bad things I´m going to
have to deal with throught my life.
name is María Fernanda Carvajal Rivas. Im 20 years old and I live in Heredia.
By the moment, I have long hair and I have to admit that it has been a so
difficult thing to it to grows up. I´m studying dentistry in ULACIT, and I´m
almost completing my second year of career. I have never thought how intersted
and exiting my career could be, I feel so happy because I have no doubt that
this was the best option that I could choosed.
I have to admit that I can´t complain about anything in my life at this moment.
I have my family, a new Little sister, a boyfriend an a lot of Friends that
always cares about me.
I´m feeling very happy about my actual life because I have the people I love beside me. My loved ones are full of good things and the most important, they are full of health, so if they are okey I´m going to be better than anyone. The most important people in my life right now are definetly my mom, dad, my grandma, my boyfriend, my closed Friends and of course my Little babies, my pets. I´m very greatful to the people around me, because I know that they have been always there for me when I needed their support as the same way that I have been with them when they had needed of me.
now in my future plans the most important thing it´s to finish my career. By 2017 I
will have finished with my career. However
I will have started a new speciality related with
dentistry. Implantology, wich is the speciality that I want, I will have
been studying it for 2 years by 2024. I
hope that by
2020 I will have moved into a new
apartment. And maybe I will have been living with my future husband by that
time. Another thing that I really think about is how my baby Little
sister is going to be, by 2024 she will have been finishing her 5th grade. The
last thing that makes me think how is going to be my life in ten years are my
lovely pets. It feels so sad, because probably all of them (Molly, Ringo and Tana) will
have passed away by that moment.
The only
thing I can say is that I´m very grateful with God and life for billed me with
a lot of good experiences and cute memories so far. At the end of the day no
one is sure how is going to be the future held in their lives. The only thing I
hope is to continue having a life such as pleasing as this.